The best part about BonesCam was the replay. So when we headed up to Command Central, we didn’t just go straight upstairs, we had to get a game in because, well, that’s what Bones and I did. We loved to play games.

Up until about a year ago, we used to go up the giant, T-shaped staircase in our front foyer playing a game called “Stair King” where the rules were—actually there weren’t any rules. Just like “King of the Mountain,” you could trip, grab, pull, shove . . . it didn’t matter. Whoever got to the top of the stairs first was “The King.”

We had three staircases that led to the upstairs, but we always used the one in the foyer, mostly because it was huge and was shaped like an upside-down “T” with a landing in the middle.

Our last game of Stair King had been an epic battle. Bones was just about at the top of the stairs, and I was at his feet with really no chance of winning. We must’ve been battling for about four or five minutes.

There Bones was, standing at the last stair, only having to step up on the top landing to win. Instead, he prematurely started with one of his patented orangutan celebrations. It was like one of those dopes who holds the football up on the five-yard line and fumbles it before he gets into the end zone.

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