Yogi kneeled down next to him and gently rested his enormous hand on Bones’ bony shoulder. “Maybe we could save him. I don’t understand any of this time travel stuff. But then we gotta ask ourselves, where do we stop? Do we use that thing to go back in time and try to save my Lindy from her cancer? When do we say enough is enough?”

Yogi gestured at the Suits. “I know you’ve been running from these guys, but they came back and offered to help us, before helping themselves. That’s a change in heart. I might be old-fashioned and Lindy and I never had kids, but I trust that. You boys need to go back now.”

Yogi smiled at Bones, then at me. “The answers to your cure aren’t here.” 

Yogi got up and pulled Bones up with him. Then he asked me to stand next to Bones, and he said to Sal and Antone, “You two, don’t move.” He took Stevie’s phone from Joe. “How do you set this thing to get these two boys back home?” 

“I already did it,” Joe replied. “We set it for the exact location where we intercepted the Ching boy in Ridgewood. From there, it’s just a short walk home.”

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