Two very tall women who were also dressed in white lab coats stood outside the transport. “Welcome to the LightYear lab,” one of them said. “Please follow us to the transport room.” 

The Boss stepped off the train and the Suits followed, with the Boss walking in between the two women, who towered over him. Other than a few people solemnly nodding at the Boss as he passed by, nobody in the lab even bothered to glance at the new visitors. 

The group approached two smoked-glass doors that had both English and Chinese lettering that said “Transport Room,” and the doors opened. SWISSH. 

Once inside the room, the lights dimmed, except for the light over a small, rectangular table, in the middle of which lay the prototype that the team had correctly identified in their ten minute test. Up against the far wall was a large, white stage with five black X’s on the floor. 

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