Chapter 3

What’s a matter for you


The first thing I noticed was that the streets looked like a used car lot, and the people walking around were dressed really weird, like they were headed to a costume party.

“Lump, everyone’s dressed for like they’re going to a Queen concert. This is so cool! I can’t believe we didn’t notice this when we were here four hours ago.”

Leave it Bones to be excited about not getting invited to a party. 

The more I looked around, the more things didn’t make sense. Our bikes were locked up in the same spot, only it was as if somebody had taken the Basket Barge, magically gotten all the rust out, shined it, and put it back. My bike barely even looked like my bike.

It had a bright yellow seat on it that was shaped like a banana. It also had goofy-looking handlebars, the kind you see on those motorcycle choppers.

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