After dinner, I was lying in bed thinking about how there were only two weeks of summer left. I was actually looking forward to the eighth grade. Not the school part, of course, but finally being the oldest class in the school after two years of torture.
Ben Franklin Junior High covered sixth grade, too. Talk about awkward, going to school with girls a foot taller than me and guys who shaved.
I started scrolling through my Instagram and came across Bones’ latest post. Here was a guy that had only two friends, me and Stevie Ch-Ching, but over four hundred followers. He’s got almost the entire school—including teachers—following his Instagram with his “What’s This?” posts.
Basically what he did was take a close-up of his earlobe or something else ridiculous and had people guess what it was. Just as I was trying to figure out his latest picture, I heard the low belching sound of Bones’ text vibrate my bedside table. Even after our years of friendship, he still had to tell me it was him.
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