I put my head down to text Bones back, but he was already texting me.

Bones: Coming back up!
Lumpy: NO! Two SUITS heading your way! RUN!!!

     I stood and waited at the crosswalk as traffic funneled into Columbus Circle. Just as I was about to text Bones again, he appeared with the two Suits from the subway. One was holding his arm tight, and the other whistled to the two Suits standing across from me. They all ran toward the SUVs.

"Hey!" I had screamed so loud my voice had cracked. "You can't take my friend—he's got cancer!"

As I was yelling, a truck stopped right in the middle of the cross- walk and blasted its horn. The truck not only blocked the crossing but also my view of Bones and the Suits. I ran around the back of it, but by the time I got to the other side of the street, it was too late.

The SUVs ripped around the Circle, blew through the light at Fifty-Ninth Street, and in a matter of seconds, they were gone. I looked down at my phone. Another text from Bones, he wrote just one word.

Bones: Columbo

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