A red beam scanned his hand from top to bottom, then blinked green. The same woman’s voice came over the intercom, echoing through- out the transport station, “Begin your activity with the Engineering app.” 

The Boss tapped the screen and centered on the nine red dots, which were clustered in one central location. He faced the Suits and said, “We have kidnapped the nine engineers and they will remain in our custody until we capture the final one. Once we have completely reassembled the team and captured the Ching, we will replicate it and make billions.” 

Chief, who was standing in the back of the group, barely held back a shudder. He had a bad feeling about this. The mass use of time travel couldn’t possibly end well, especially if wasn’t for the greater good. 

The Boss tapped the screen twice and the Engineer app closed. Immediately, a train pulled into the station a few feet away from them, hissing to a stop. It was a glossy, black, bullet-like train in the shape of a rocket.

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