I looked at the phone and yelled, "Let's go, for God's sake!" I couldn't help thinking I sounded just like Estelle. The old man pulled his paper to the side and peered over his glasses at me as if to say, are you sure you're OK?

     I waved my hand apologetically. "Sorry, it's just this thing isn't working and—" I cut myself short. Over the old man's right shoulder, the Suits had entered the park at a distance and were standing together in a circle looking all confused. Stevie's phone was on, but they couldn't seem to track it for some reason. My best guess was that somehow the app and Fusion meter were interfering with their trace.

     The tall Suit issued some kind of direction and they spread out and started walking around the park . . . obviously looking for me. I looked in the opposite direction, thinking I might be able to sneak away, but they were too close now.

     I lowered my arm to keep the phone out of sight while still keeping it pointed directly at the sun. I could feel a nervous sweat start trickling down my face. I knew it was just a matter of time before they spotted me. With the meter only reading 12%, there was no way I was going to escape.

     Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the old man was watching me closely. I think he knew I was in trouble. He took off his glasses, looked at the Suits in the distance, and then looked back at me. "Are those people after you?"

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