V and Woody were the only two kids in junk-it-up history to ever try storming the launcher. “When they tried climbing the junk pile, the Yizzzzza turned his launcher into a machine gun and went rapid-fire using hubcaps. V still has a dent in his forehead. What other loose-lug-nut ideas you got?”
Bad question. Bones was loaded with them.
“Can you shoot from the back, Lump?” he said. “I never got any footage from my first run!”
For a second I was confused, then I realized he actually wanted me to ride on the back of the Basket Barge and video the ride.
“The RACK doesn’t cover the yard,” Bones reminded me.
He was right.
When we got to the yard, Bones didn’t want to waste any time. It was really quiet and a warm breeze gently blew the huge, broken sign back and forth—eerryeek-eerryeek. Re-ally creepy. Bones pulled out his phone, thumbed over to video, and handed it to me.
“OK, Lump, it’s fully charged! Get on!”
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