chapter 22
way cool
Only five minutes ago Yogi had warned us about keeping Stevie’s phone under wraps, and here we were in Mrs. Apostolu’s classroom with the entire class craning their necks to get a look at it. I had to let Bones keep the phone in his pocket because his pockets were twice as big as mine so I thought the phone would be safer there, but I hadn’t figured into my equation the fact that his feet were twice as big as mine and his attention span half.
Bones grabbed Stevie’s phone off the floor and slipped it into his pocket.
“It’s just a battery pack,” Bones said loudly and slowly, as if he were talking to a crowd of non-English speakers. “It charges . . . my . . . umm . . . flashlight.”
I tried to look like I actually believed what Bones said, but I don’t think I did a good job of pulling it off. The entire class erupted into laughter. Gordo was laughing so hard he was wiping tears out of his eyes.
“So,” he said, “you two cats like playing with flashlights then, huh? That’s cool, isn’t it, Mazz?”
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