Lumpy: You coming over tomorrow morning?
Bones: No...can't do it. Gotta go to the city tomorrow with my mom...dr. appointment
Lumpy: What?!! This cancer thing better not get in the way of our last two weeks of summer!!
Bones: I'm gonna see Stevie Ch-Ching!! after the doc appointment. He knows I'm sick and thinks he help me get better! Guess how Lump!!!
He was already texting the answer, leaving me no time for a wisecrack.
Bones: His phone!!
What?! I couldn't help thinking that whatever treatment Bones was getting was going straight to his brain. Stevie wouldn't even let us look at his phone. Now it was going to cure Bones' cancer?! I decided to just end the chat. I needed to take a nap.
Lumpy: Ok, well that's great Bones...Lump OUT
Bones: Bones OUT
Bones and I figured out a year or so ago that people wasted about half their lives signing off from text conversations. We just said "Bones OUT" or "Lump OUT", and it was over.
Challenge Question!
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