I had planned on taking down the bunk beds in my room at the end of seventh grade, but I decided to leave them up because otherwise Bones would've had to sleep on the floor. That probably wouldn't have bothered him at all, but I didn't want to trip over him in the middle of the night.

     I had tons of lacrosse posters on my walls and trophies on my shelves from all the tourneys my travel team had won. On my desk, I had an iMac with a giant screen that I used mostly to watch Youtube and Netflix. Next to the desk was a huge aquarium with about fifty fish and every kind of fish-tank prop you could imagine.

     Before we went to sleep, we usually played a game of "Tank Toss" where we'd throw bottle caps from ten feet away into the top of the aquarium and, depending on where the cap landed in the tank, we got points . . . underwater bridges, castles, rocks, we even had a "Game Over" if a cap landed on the back of one the big Scissortails.

     No matter what, the game always ended when we heard Estelle coming down the hall. When my dad was home, he always fell asleep way before us, so he never came in to check on us. Of course, tonight Bones landed a four-point shot on the coral bubbler to take the lead when we heard the rumble of Estelle coming down the hall.

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