G, on the other hand, was sitting on her haunches like she was hanging on every word. RUFF!!! She barked in agreement.

“Okay, okay,” Bones said. “The short version of the story is, Stevie escaped the lab with the app and another engineer escaped, too. Everyone else was kidnapped and the Suits took the nine other prototypes. So I think the Suits must’ve gotten one of the other prototypes to work.” 

Yogi looked solemn. “Time travel . . . more than one device . . . that’s not good.” 

“Why’s that not good, Yogi?” Bones asked. I was glad he had asked, too, because I was confused.

Yogi rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s a problem because now there’s even more people here from the future. Anybody that has seen the future could change the future. I’m sure my future is changing right now. But I’m OK with that, I only had Lindy and she’s gone now.” 

G barked. She didn’t like being forgotten. 

“And you too, G,” Yogi added. “I’m not the most educated man, but I know time travel is dangerous. We have to be very careful.” 

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