meeting my mother

Life couldn’t get any crazier than being on the subway in New York City while reading the instructions for a time machine app on the back of a deli wrapper. The instructions were written very neatly in black ink.

I muttered the words out loud to myself: “The code is SJ100511. Once you open the app, the camera will signal on. Select PANO mode and point the viewfinder directly at the sun.”

Point it at the sun? What?! Whoever had written the instructions had taken their time with the details, but I still didn’t get it.

I looked up as the subway started to slow for the stop at Fiftieth Street. I had to get off and away from the station because the Suits had seen which way I went. In case they had already beaten me here, I needed to figure out some sort of cover as I headed up the stairs and out onto the street.

I stepped off the train and began looking through the crowd. A few feet ahead of me were two muscle guys with high and tight haircuts who looked like they were heading to the gym. I walked quickly and ducked behind them as we rode the escalator up.

One of the hulks turned around and noticed me hovering. “Hey, kid,” he said, “you’re in the zone a bit too much, aren’t ya?” He was motioning with his hands in a circular fashion that I was invading their space. Luckily, he seemed to be more amused than annoyed.

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