Bones: Lump, it’s me...Bones.
Lumpy: Thanks for telling me it was you...I thought it was Obama
Bones: Did your dad come home?
Lumpy: Yup
Bones: What ya get? 2 month ban from the RACK?? Lumpy: Nope
Bones: 6 month ban?!?!
Lumpy: Nope
Bones: Lifetime Lump?? Tell me you didn’t get banned for life!! Lumpy: I got nothing
Bones: C’mon Lump, you gotta give me somethin here? I’m dying to know.
Lumpy: No you idiot, I got nothin, as in NO BAN! My dad watched the whole episode, he couldn’t believe how far you flew in the air... and that you landed in the fountain!!
Bones: What?? No ban! That’s awesome!!!

I decided not to tell him that I thought my Dad only cut me a break because of his cancer.

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